What's in a name?
Being a pastor, I have the privilege to meet a lot of people, and I love it! I love hearing the unique stories each person has and investing in the lives of other people. However, one aspect I struggle with is quickly remembering the name of someone I have just met. Remembering a person's name is typically the last piece of the puzzle for me. I will remember a lot about a person before I remember their name. In fact, I will remember so much about a person that I feel like I know the person well before I consistently connect the name with the face. It's quirky!
I like to blame my lack of naming skills on the generic way our society names people. (I know, poor excuse!). Our names don't typically identify any uniqueness about a person or reflect the character of a person. Names, in our culture, for the most part are simply identifiers, identifiers that parents quickly find out get used over and over and over with their children.
However, names have not always been regarded as only identifiers. In the ancient near east, names were viewed as very powerful and the changing of a name was often the change of the person's status. The name of Jesus is definitely no exception. His name is the most powerful name. Jesus is known by many titles, and each of those titles give us information about the very nature of the God man.
This Sunday at The Creek we will sing a song that uses the title Lion of Judah. It is contrasted with another title for Christ, the Lamb who was slain. Jesus is the Lamb because his blood was shed in our stead. He given the title The Lion of Judah because He is from the tribe of Judah, risen and coming again, to set all things right. Saying the names of Jesus is a great exercise to remember the character of Christ. Check out some of the names and titles of Jesus in the list below.
Titles relating to Jesus Christ’s identity
- The exact image of God - Heb 1:3
- The first and last, the Alpha and Omega - Rev 22:13
- The Word of God - Jn 1:1
- The last Adam 1Co 15:45
- The bright Morning Star - Rev 22:16
- The rising sun - Mal 4:2;
- The Living One - Rev 1:18
- The Amen - Rev 3:14
- The true light - Jn 1:3-9
- The Righteous One - Acts 3:14
- The Lion of Judah - Rev 5:5
- The king of the Jews - Mt 2:1-2; 27:37
The “I am” sayings of John’s Gospel
- The light of the world, the gate, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the way, the truth and the life, the true vine
Titles relating to Jesus Christ’s ministry
- The seed of Abraham Gal 3:16 See also Ge 12:7; 13:15; 24:7
- The Root and Offspring of David Rev 22:16
- The faithful witness - Rev 1:5
- Immanuel - Mt 1:23
- The capstone - Mt 21:42
- The rock - 1 Co 10:4
- The bridegroom - Jn 3:29
- The firstborn among many brothers - Ro 8:29
- The first fruits - 1 Co 15:23
- The firstborn from the dead - Rev 1:5
- The heir of all things - Heb 1:2
Titles relating to Jesus Christ’s authority
- Lord - Acts 2:25
- The head of the church - Eph 1:22-23
- The Chief Shepherd - 1 Pe 5:4
- Prince - Ac 5:31
- Rabbi - Jn 1:38
Titles emphasizing Jesus Christ’s saving work
- Jesus: the Lord saves - Mt 1:21
- Man of sorrows - Isa 53:3
- The Passover lamb - 1 Co 5:7
- A horn of salvation - Lk 1:69
- The consolation of Israel - Lk 1:68
- The deliverer and Redeemer - Ro 11:26
- The author and perfecter of salvation - Heb 2:10
Titles stressing Jesus Christ’s mediatory status
- The Mediator - 1 Ti 2:5
- The high priest - Heb 3:1
- The Son of Man - Lk 19:10