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How Long

Our church has enjoyed William Cowper's hymn How Long (originally Love Constraining to Obedience). The hymn focuses on the work of the Law in the life of a Christian. It demonstrates our inability  to keep the Law until we trust Christ's fulfillment of the Law. By placing our faith in Christ's work on the cross we are given the ability to serve Christ freely. [vimeo 60582890 w=700 h=393]

How Long (Love Constraining To Obedience) from Wayfarer: Repurposed Hymns on Vimeo.

Original Hymn Lyrics

No strength of nature can suffice To serve the LORD aright;

And what she has, she misapplies, For want of clearer light.

How long beneath the law I lay In bondage and distress!

I toiled the precept to obey, But toiled without success.

Then to abstain from outward sin Was more than I could do;

Now, if I feel its pow’r within, I feel I hate it too.

Then all my servile works were done A righteousness to raise;

Now, freely chosen in the Son, I freely choose his ways.

What shall I do was then the word, That I may worthier grow?

What shall I render to the LORD? Is my enquiry now.

To see the Law by CHRIST fulfilled, And hear his pard’ning voice;

Changes a slave into a child, And duty into choice.

A bit about the Author: William Cooper was a long time friend of John Newton. After being institutionalized for insanity from 1765-1767 Cooper found refuge and relief from his insanity in Christ. Cooper was well-known for his poetry on nature and his hymn writing. In 1779 John Newton published the Olney Hymnal which contained both Newton's and Cowper's hymns in including Love Constraining to Obedience.