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Posts in Music
A Few of My Favorites

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. - Psalm 33:3

Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. - Psalm 47:6

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. - Psalm 96:1

Singing songs together is a practice unique to the Christian faith. No other world religion comes together to sing about the joy that resides in their hearts. My guess as to why singing is unique to the Christian faith is because other religions are much more about penance offered to a deity. In contrast, Christianity is about God taking all of the "penance" (i.e. atonement) that was due man. The reality that we serve a God who would pursue us the way that he did is one of the many reasons Christians sing. Because we are seen as forgiven, even though we have no right to be forgiven, we sing

Below are a few songs that we have been enjoying together as a church family. Check them out. I think you will find them just as much fun as we do:

Rock of Ages – This is a new version of the old 1776 hymn by Augustus M. Toplady. Dustin Kensrue provides a fantastic modern yet singable version. He also provides unique insight, showing that Christ is both our cleft and was cleft for us. 

Cornerstone - This is a modern arrangement from Hillsong of Edward Mote's 1834 hymn The Solid Rock. This has a great singable melody. My favorite part of the arrangement is the chorus that opens up and really lets you sing your heart out. 

More than Conquerors - This song was written in 2014 by Rend Collective. I love it because musically it has a very victorious feel, combined with a victorious text. It is based on the Romans 8 passage in which Paul writes that, "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." 



MusicCody CriggerComment
Let My Soul Sing



We have been singing this song at The Creek for the last several months. This song sings well and has fantastic theology. It poetically depicts our natural instincts to reject Christ. Yet in spite of our rejection God called and reconciled us back to Him. We love singing songs that focus on salvation being the work of God only because it reminds us that without his initiation we would never make any movement toward Him. As a result of the fall we will never cease trying to justify ourselves, and in doing so, rejecting the work of Christ. Built into our sin nature is a pride that tells us we are "okay." We want to do it on our own, our own way. As Christians, we have the decision to fight against that desire. We must fight to see ourselves as justified before God because of Christ alone. Only then can we participate in the good works that are prepared for us.


The stone that was rejected has become the cornerstone
Now my light and my salvation will be found in You alone
Word made flesh You dwelt among us, We were blind and knew You not
Still You called us and in kindness reconciled us back to God
Let my soul sing, You are holy
Let my life bring endless praise
To the only One who's worthy, All the glory to Your name

Your kingdom is advancing like a flood on desert land
For Your power knows no measure and against it none can stand

With Your final breath You purchased what we never could afford
Death is conquered, hell defeated, glory to the risen Lord
Death is conquered, hell defeated, glory to the Risen Lord

MusicCody CriggerComment